What is goods clearance and how is it done?

Clearance means going through the legal and financial procedures to get the cargo out of customs. To clear goods from customs, various steps must be completed and necessary documents must be submitted. based on which the owner of the goods or his legal representative, after preparing and preparing the necessary documents to submit to the customs, the details of the goods that he has sent to the warehouse under the supervision of the customs for the purpose of import or export, declares to the relevant customs in the continuation of the customs clearance procedures We have explained for you. One of the important tasks of commercial companies is to carry out these steps until the cargo arrives at your destination. The companies that do not own the cargo and undertake this process are called work clearance. This is one of the important duties of Kargo Vahid company

For goods clearance, documents such as proforma packing bill of lading, list of certificate of origin, etc. must be provided to the customs staff. By sending this information to Vahid Cargo Company, you can ensure that the rest of the steps will be completed and you will receive your goods at your door.

Zero to one hundred clearance steps

  • Arriving the goods at the customs office and receiving the customs warehouse bill
  • Preparation of documents
  • Statement through the EPL system
  • Receiving declaration cottage and determining the declaration route
  • Control and evaluation of goods
  • Obtain the required permits
  • Bachelor's degree (examination of tariff and declaration value)
  • Fund and payment of salaries and customs duties
  • Loading and delivery of goods from the customs warehouse
  • goods departure
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